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Product Review: Portable Ultrasound Machine

Well I started the year off with a pretty big purchase for my program! It's big because it's going to save me so much time and my girls so much stress. We finally did it! We purchased a small portable ultrasound machine!!!

I was honestly surprised that I was able to get an ultrasound machine under 1K. I didn't have the highest of hope and was fully prepared to send it back. But honestly, I'm in love and sitting here wondering why I didn't do this years ago.

I was overwhelmed by all the options available but knew going into it I only wanted the machine for one thing. I wanted to confirm pregnancies. So I personally did not need an ultra high def machine and didn't need to fork over the extra thousands. While it would be super cool to see the smaller just wasn't financially practical.

After my purchase I also thought of how much having this available could help me after whelp. I can easily do a quick scan to see if another pup might be left if I'm unsure she's had them all. To have that reassurance without dragging a new mom away from her newborn pups to the vet....wonderful!

So after using it for the first time last night, here are my initial thoughts...

  1. This is absolutely amazing to be able to do myself! I can take my time and enjoy every minute of it. It was magical to be able to see the growing life in my girl's belly at my own pace. Many times at the vet, I'm either not allowed back (thanks COVID) or they do the scan very quickly. Sitting in my living room, my girl's are completely stress free and the whole family can enjoy doing this together.

  2. I wished it were just a tad bit clearer but I honestly haven't figured out the settings. There is a rather large learning curve here. There's lots of buttons that I really have no idea what they do. The manual is somewhat informative but at the same time really isn't. The great thing about it though is, I opened the box, pulled it out, and immediately used it....seeing babies within seconds of touching her belly. I had NO IDEA what I was doing and within seconds had my pregnancy confirmation!!! We were able to clearly see at least 4 puppies in the frame. I'm pretty sure there were more in there but it was taking quite a bit of manipulation to just get that many on the screen at once.

  3. It's a great size! I was worried about how small it was and the screen. But it's easy to hold and easy to store. It comes with a great hard case with plenty of padding inside to protect it during storage. If I want a larger screen there is an AV outlet in the machine that will connect to a monitor or tv. Of course I live in the current century and all my cables at home are HDMI, so I've ordered an AV cable to try this feature for my next attempt.

  4. One feature I did quickly figure out that I love...there is a button on the wand that freezes the screen. This makes it a lot easier if you're wanting to take a picture of what you find.

Overall I couldn't be more excited about having this available to me and I'll probably even end up performing scans for some breeders close to me. It's something I wish I had gotten a long time ago. At the time I was only having 1-2 litters a year and couldn't justify the purchase. I honestly wasn't looking past the price and comparing that to the amount I spent with the vet. But I realize now how this benefits me and my girls in so many other ways. Though I'm sure it will more than pay for itself very quickly!

Here's the direct link to the machine I purchased:

If you've given the thought to purchasing one, I highly recommend you bite the bullet and just do it! Don't forget the ultrasound gel!!

If you've purchased one, I'd love to hear your experiences too!

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Aug 12, 2023

We love our US, couldn't image not having it! Definitely helps when there is a false pregnancy!!


Ashley De Lisle
Ashley De Lisle
Jul 21, 2021

I am trying to use my ultrasound machine for the first time, struggling to see anything. Tomorrow, my dog is at 4 weeks since the first TCI. Maybe I'm too early but I couldn't wait! Would love tips on probe positioning, either straight on to the abdomen or coming in from the side (what they call a transverse view). Have you any tips?

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I always start very low. Try to have the bladder…really large black blob lol in the screen and then slowly move up along the outside of the nipples in a line up to the ribs. You’re looking for smaller black blobs with a white blob in the middle. I know real technically terminology here! But if you don’t see anything try going along the inside of the nipples slowly working your way to the top. You can move the probe in all directions to try to pick it up….just do it slowly.


It looks like the vendor I purchased through has sold out. We bought them out guys!! 😂🙈 Here is a link to the same model with a different vendor.

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